MyWorld’s research focus enables us to embed research and development (R&D) culture at scale, across the creative technology sector, extending horizons and reducing risks.
Ideas development can consume 20% of effort in a small business and major challenges exist for businesses of all sizes preventing them from investing in, and benefiting from, R&D. MyWorld’s university partners provide R&D expertise and facilities that companies can easily engage with, creating a unique co-development environment that would otherwise be impossible, allowing innovation-led growth for all the businesses engaging in our network.
MyWorld’s research is focused around the highly inter-related areas of content creation, capture delivery and consumption – the Creative Continuum. This focus allows us to drive innovation across all stages of the content lifecycle. Each of the MyWorld research focus areas detailed below explore the different stages of the Creative Continuum through integrated academic-industry collaborations by world-leading organisations, in an established collaborative R&D network. This generates new knowledge and confidence to exploit technical advances, allowing companies to access knowledge, lead innovation and create and maintain a competitive advantage in their industry.
Research areas
Dave Bull
Dave Bull FIET, FIEEE is Director of MyWorld and leads the programme as we look to pioneer new digital formats and technologies, creating innovative experiences across fiction, documentary, games, and live performance. As well this he is Professor of Signal Processing at the University of Bristol and Director of Bristol Vision Institute (BVI), a venture he co-founded in 2007. BVI is a virtual research institute and has been highly successful in stimulating research interaction and collaboration in vision science and engineering.
He also leads the Visual Information Laboratory, a research group within the Faculty of Engineering at Bristol and was previously a Lecturer at the University of Wales (Cardiff) and Systems Engineer for Rolls Royce. He holds a BSc (Exeter, 1st class), an MSc (Manchester, Distinction) and PhD (Cardiff) and was Head of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Bristol from 2001-06.
His work specialises in visual communications, coding and computer vision. He has won many prizes, including the 2017 IEEE Video Compression Grand Challenge, and Premium awards for his papers. He has published numerous patents, several of which have been exploited commercially. He has published over 450 papers, various articles and 2 books, most recently Communicating Pictures, published by Academic Press.
In 2001 Dave co-founded ProVision Communication Technologies Ltd. which is best known for producing the world’s first in-home multi-room wireless HDTV sender. In 2011 ProVision was acquired by Global Invacom.
In 1996 he helped to establish the UK DTI Virtual Centre of Excellence in Digital Broadcasting and Multimedia Technology and was one of its Directors from 1997-2000. He was also a founder member of the UK’s MoD Defence Technology Centre in Data and Information Fusion, serving on its Science and Technology Board. He was an independent member of UK Government’s Defence Scientific Advisory Council (DSAC) in 2002, contributing to the UK(MoD)-US(DoD) Working Group on Persistent Surveillance (2004). He has also advised Government through membership of the UK Foresight Panel and HEFCE REF2014. Throughout his career, Dave has acted as a consultant to many companies, universities and governments. He has also been a DTI Distinguished Professor.

The Creative Continuum
“The Creative Continuum is both a philosophy and a way of working. It covers a lot of things that people in the creative sector often think of as being either discrete elements or as an end-to-end process. Creation, production, delivery and consumption are, in fact, highly interdependent.”
Professor David Bull, MyWorld Programme Director
The Creative Continuum, at the heart of MyWorld’s research, applies not only to the process of content creation but also the different perspectives and skill sets that are needed to deliver it, resulting in innovative capture, delivery, measurement and tooling for the creative industries.
That might mean computer scientists working with psychologists and ethicists to deliver immersive VR experiences that address privacy concerns. Or a start-up pioneer making use of the specialist expertise of PhD students to find ways for an entertainment company to better engage with their audiences, for example. Such collaborative projects cannot successfully build the next generation of audience experiences without cross-disciplinary teams working together to solve challenges across technology, tooling, media types, formats and narrative.

People involved

Adrienne Noonan
Director of Partnerships, School of Arts – UWE Bristol

Andrew Pettitt
PhD Student

Angeliki Katsenou
Senior Lecturer in Networked Media - University of Bristol

Dimitra Simeonidou
Professor and Director of Smart Internet Lab - University of Bristol

Charlotte Butler
PhD - University of Bath

Crispian Morris
PhD - University of Bristol

Danaë Stanton Fraser
Professor of Human Computer Interaction - University of Bath

Drew MacQuarrie
Lecturer, Department of Computer Sciences - University of Bristol

Chen Feng
PhD - University of Bristol

Aaron Zhang
Lecturer in Visual Communications - University of Bristol

Felix Carter
PDRA - University of Bristol

Adrian Azzarelli
Doctoral Researcher - University of Bristol

Ho Man Kwan
PhD student - University of Bristol

Iain Gilchrist
Professor of Neuropsychology - University of Bristol

Adam Hartshorne
PDRA - University of Bath

Ildi Fogel
Project Coordinator, Smart Internet Lab - University of Bristol

Emma Harrison
PhD Student

Jo Gildersleve
Project Manager - University of Bristol

Siyuan Gou
PhD - University of Bath

Ge Gao
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Visual Communications - University of Bristol

Kate Pullinger
Professor of Creative Writing and Digital Media - Bath Spa University

Kirsten Cater
Professor, Department of Computer Science - University of Bristol

Mandy Rose
Professor, Documentary and Digital Cultures - UWE

Marina De Vos
Director of Training at ART-AI - University of Bath

David Bull
MyWorld Programme Director. Professor of Signal Processing - University of Bristol

Jakub Nawala
PDRA - University of Bristol

Mike Richardson
PDRA - University of Bath

Naomi Smyth
Creative Technologist - Bath Spa University

Anderson Bravalheri
Senior Research Associate Smart Internet Lab - University of Bristol

Neill Campbell
Professor, Department of Computer Science - University of Bath

Obed Samano Abonce
PDRA - University of Bristol

Pui Anantrasirichai
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science - University of Bristol

Rachel Pownall
Innovation Manager for MyWorld - Bath Spa University

Ruth Farrar
Reader in Creative Media & Enterprise - Bath Spa University

Murray Evans
Systems Engineer - University of Bath

Justin Worsey
PDRA - University of Bristol

Theodor Kozlowski
PhD & Research Technician

Wenbin Li
Assistant Professor - University of Bath

Xinyi Wang
PhD student Visual Information Laboratory - University of Bristol

Yuxuan Jiang
PhD student - University of Bristol

Zhaozhou Wu
PhD - University of Bristol

Zihao Qi
PhD student, Bristol Vision Institute - University of Bristol